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The Future

When I see a certain depth in Elon Musk’s voice when he talks about the future, my desire to be part of that future becomes more and more. Every single day there is a new advancement in every field from gaming to filming. Now is the talks about quantum computing, I would  really like to experience that. Infact I haven’t even experienced a computer with a dedicated GPU in it. I would like to really experience that and game hardcore. Mann! How cool it would be in future every command that you give like asking the computer to bargain with the human client, asking your computer to give advice to how to make your girlfriend happy when she is sad and all man.kkkkk

Future is the time when there will be better virology  because of the advancement of the processing power of the computer and also the development of AI and that is when problems like Coronavirus will not be a problem anymore. And seen at this year's CES the folding TV? That seems very futuristic to me. And  and and how can we forget the Smartphones. I really appreciate how it is evolving very very fast. In the future maybe there will be a smartphone thin and light like tissue paper and it has got the processing power enough to mine bitcoins on it? That doesn’t seem impossible.I expect the smart watches to evolve as well. Maybe from smart watches alone we can detect all the problems in our body? Then tracing the people with diseases like COVID-19 infection would not be a problem. And wait, the thing that might change everything is coding by Natural language if it will be developed that is when every individual of this universe will be able to code to solve their issue easily without hassle. That seems very interesting. I don't know how but I would like to really code on those.

Colony on Mars? Pizza Hut on Mars? Who doesn’t want to experience those. But I want to be rich enough to afford first class on the passenger rocket to mars. Race cars or super cars, Lamborghini, Bugatti I only see those on my  computer. I am waiting for the time when I get to ride those. And a Robot companion, this might be a big deal but I think that the future is prepared with Robots which are capable enough to understand human emotions and provide companionship to humans as a friend. I wonder how that will be? Do we fight on Manchester United VS Manchester City with our friend Robot? Will a robot buy you a beer when you are sad? Future seems awesome.

Talking about companionship, today we have got dogs and cats as our favorite but they really don't understand our language. I can foretell them really understanding us due to the advancement of neural networks. Now the question arises who will be the better companion, the robots or the dogs. Maybe there will be Robot dogs. Already the passenger planes( the real ones like Jetblue) are huge ( the Airbus 380?) I really wonder how big it will be next? 2000 passengers per time? That would be awesome.

                                          The airbus A380. I love it.

The future really will be as I anticipated, maybe the future anticipates me as well.


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