On May 20 I posted a blog titled “Reviewing Employees of Linus Tech Tips” and it got 2200+ views overnight.
I am a blogger( very small blogger actually). Before that post the highest viewed blog of mine was Dear Narad sir which had 148 views( till the time I am writing this blog). My average views per post was 28 and I have total 23 article in my blog. Well, all these things changed once I posted “Reviewing Employees of Linus Tech Tips”. How did I really get those views overnight? It didn’t only depend on the content that I posted but also on the techniques that I used to gain more views. I have listed them all down below as step by step process.
Step 1
My first 21 blogs only got an average of 23 views per post. I tried to find the reason why I didn't get the amount of views I needed? It was a simple reason “Nobody wants to know about me.” So, who would the audience want to know about then? Some celebrities? Some sportsman? Some leaders right? Then I figured that a lot of people had already written about these famous people with concrete facts and resources which I clearly lacked. So I had to find an individual who the audience is extremely interested in and wants to know more but their hunger to know more hasn’t been fulfilled yet. Then a name came to me. LINUS TECH TIPS. LMG has got a massive following in Youtube and it’s audience is not only interested in its PC Builds and product reviews but also the candid lives of it’s employees. When I saw that people were missing Channel Super Fun I realized their hunger to know more about or learn about Denis, Luke, Jon hasn’t been fulfilled. Because I don’t reckon anybody has written or talked about them even when they are very dear to the audience. So I thought, why don’t I please myself and LMG’s audience by writing about them?
Step 2

So I wrote on the topic, “Reviewing Employees of Linus Tech Tips”. Writing a good blog is half part of the whole process to earn good views. Next is to advertise your blog. I decided to advertise it through twitter. Yes without paid advertising provided by Twitter it is hard to reach a wide audience. Unless you use certain techniques. In my tweet I shared a screenshot where I commented on a negative review of James. There is a reason for me sharing a screenshot of a negative review rather than the positive review. It is because all LMG fans are used to viewing positive and funny and good thing about all the employees of LMG and if I make a positive review as the highlight of the blog, it will not be any different than the fans are used to and there won’t be any reason for the fans to waste their time reading the same boring stuff. But I posted a negative review or bad stuff about an employee and reading a negative comment about their favorite person is a completely different experience in a fan’s day to day time watching LMG. Negative reviews of James made fans angry and surprised at the same time about how anyone can write bad about our jolly boy James. Indulged in this emotion without second thought core fans clicked on the link to my blog to find if I have written more bad stuffs about other employees or not. And being angry they commented on my tweet about how shit I was. If you think about it then yes they are writing shit about me but at the same time they are increasing the number of comments in my post. If other fans of LMG see a tweet written about LMG which has got quite a number of comments discussing about blog, as the bandwagon effect they will certainly go visit my blog.

Step 3

Next thing that I did was that I mentioned almost all the employees of LMG in my tweet. This may seem like a very simple thing but that was the key. See Taran, Colton, Jon are celebrities who are less celebrated than other mega celebrities. Well everybody wants to be celebrated right? When I wrote about them in my blog and shared them maybe due to excitement that someone is celebrating them or due to surprise that a blog was written on them they actually went to my blog and read and liked or commented on my tweet. See this would not have been the case if I had mentioned a big celebrity because they will get these types of things written about them on a day to day basis, they wouldn’t have cared to go through my site and read and comment on my tweet. But it happened incase of Colton, Taran and all because they get very less things written or talked about them.
Step 4
What happened once they commented or liked? A tweet came to all their followers saying (For example to the followers of Luke.. “Luke liked this tweet” or “Luke commented on this tweet”) and “this” tweet was my tweet where I shared about my blog. And when they wrote a comment or liked my tweet that validated my tweet to be genuine and in this case “Genuine review of the employees of LMG” and due to that reason more traffic kept coming to my blog.
And eventually I got 2200+ views in that blog as of now. I hope this will certainly help you increase view count in your blog channel. I also tried another advertising experiment of my other article on twitter but my twitter account got suspended. What I tried, I will write in my next blog.
Once I publish this blog I am sure that I will get less views compared to my previous blog because I am sure that the employees of LMG are not going to comment or like the tweet in which I will mention them while sharing this blog. But I hope the spicy title( but actually a true title, I am 17 years old studying in Grade 12 in Nepal and that is the reason my english is not good) attracts enough traffic.
Hope you enjoyed it.
PS:I really love LMG....
Good job.
ReplyDeleteit was very inspiring.
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