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So what now?

Of all things that I had planned to do, never in my life there was a plan to start a day planning to work and study for 12 hours straight in my life. But here I am. Seems like time changes as well as the personality changes. The inspiration is Elon Musk and his work ethics to work 100 hours a week as per his words “If you work twice as others you will obtain twice as other ”. But an underlying problem is in front of me which is that I do not love studying the study material that my school provides to me as well to all students of the country. I thought that this can be an issue to me and my productivity because if we don't love it can we do it? Then I realized that we humans are so compassionate and loving, that we can easily love anything that we desire. We are capable enough to even love our enemies who poses threat to our existence. So why can I not love studying. Of course I can. And I am ready for lots of cognitive distortions during my time on studies and I am also ready with techniques to manage these distortions that use all of its assets to stop me from reaching my goal.

Anyway, I think my weakness is during the afternoon when I get maximum urge to slack off. So I better be prepared for that. And also I would like to remind myself not to study at bed because when you do that you feel that you want to sleep and the urge to sleep is very strong.

It is 6.19 Am  when I completed this blog. I had woken up at 5 Am in the morning and studied Physical Chemistry for an hour till now.


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